Categories ArchivesProperty Marketing

Facebook Case Study | Perth Development image

How we generated 247 Leads for our client. CLIENT  |  PERTH RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PRODUCT  |  51 APARTMENTS IN COMO OBJECTIVE  |  GENERATE LEADS OUTCOME  |  247 LEADS WITH NAME, MOBILE & EMAIL ADDRESS   Brief: Promote our development of 51 luxury Riverside apartments in Como and generate leads for the sales team. Through the use of census data, REIWA/ information and talks with the sales agent, we were able to identify a core target market to promote the development to via crafted Facebook lead generation advertising campaigns. Our targeting considered a range of aspects such as the standard suburb demographics, age and gender of our prospects. We then looked at who buys in the area, what suburbs they come from, ...

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The Importance of Online Presence for Real Estate Professionals image

You may know someone who has always had a powerful personal brand, who you have always recognised as an ‘expert’ in regard to their online presence. In today’s day and age, every real estate professional needs to become that person. With over 64,000 real estate professionals throughout Australia, it is more important than ever to stand out from the crowd, especially if you plan on being successful in the modern real estate market. Things aren’t the way they used to be, and social media marketing is playing a larger role than ever before in contemporary marketing practice. Real estate professionals must also remember that the first place any potential client will go when looking for a new home is online. ...

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