Tags Archivescontent management

Evergreen Content image

Timeless and Evergreen… not just a classic track by Barbara Streisand! So the hot new buzz word around town is Evergreen Content. But what does it mean? Will my posts need constant watering and feeding? Or is my current content being lost in the overgrowth? Evergreen content is simply that which is still interesting and relevant weeks, months or even years after its initial publish date.  It doesn’t date like news can, it can deliver value in terms of traffic, leads, social shares and can occupy valuable search positions for a prolonged period of time. So how do I prune my content to make it Evergreen? Well, put your clippers away – it’s easier than you think. Here are some ...

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Instagram – Are you doing it right? image

Instagram Facts… Did you know?   Stanford Grads Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger founded Instagram in 2010 Facebook bought Instagram 2 years later for $1billion in cash and stock Instagram now has more than 400 million users The celebrity with the most selfies is Kylie Jenner with 451 The celebrity with the most followers is Justin Bieber Nike is the most followed Brand Victoria’s Secret is the most followed Retailer 83% of all posts contain Hashtags 70% of Instagram users check it at least once a day 68% of Instagram users are women Here is how to make instagram work for your business. Create inspiring and engaging images with filters and other creative tools in the Instagram app. LAYOUT, launched ...

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Five Tips for Developing Good Web Content image

Creating content for your business website can be challenging, but by following these simple tips you can be sure that your copy is valuable and engaging to your readers. It’s a good starting point at least…. MAKE YOUR CONTENT RELEVANT AND VALUABLE When potential customers type a topic/word/product into a search engine, they expect results relevant to their search. If they click on your site and find irrelevant or outdated information, they will bounce from your site to the next result to find what they need. Your website needs to be updated regularly with new content and reviewed to ensure existing content is up to date KEEP YOUR CONTENT CONCISE Website visitors are skimmers and prefer to quickly review information. ...

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