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Visualise It! The importance of images in Social Media. image

Image (verb) : to picture or represent in the mind… Image (noun) : a mental representation, an idea… It’s easy to say people are drawn to pictures and leave it at that, but if you really want to ‘smash it’ on social media, then it’s important to understand why images draw us in so much more than text. Three key factors to consider are as follows: The EMOTIONAL Factor Images deliver a strong emotional factor, and emotions have a powerful pull on us. The right picture can evoke feelings of compassion, joy, inspiration, wonder, sadness, empathy etc. Images, through emotion, provide a personal connection to your brand. The INFORMATION Factor The right image can convey a wide range of information in one ...

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Our Top Ten Facebook Tips image

  If you are looking to increase your Social Media Traffic and Engagement across Facebook then our top ten tips are a must-read! Never used Facebook for Business before? Then click here for a quick overview. Grow your business profile by interacting on Facebook as your own Business Page By commenting, liking, sharing etc from your business page, rather than a personal perspective, you increase the chances of people noticing your business and wanting to follow you. Be active on your Competitor pages Be sure to visit your competitors’ pages regularly and interact in a positive way. Again, this will get you noticed by an already engaged audience. Collaborate Reach out to other page owners and give them a shout-out… ...

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