Is TV Advertising Effective?

Television has always been a very effective way for Advertisers to launch new products, grow brands and drive sales. However, the way we watch TV has changed A LOT over the past 10 years. With the introduction of many new options such as Free to air TV, Foxtel, Digital TV, etc … it’s only natural to wonder if TV advertising is still relevant.

The short answer… Absolutely – but only if this medium is relevant to your business and your pocket.

Here is our five-step Checklist when considering TV Advertising:

  1. Who is your target market?  Advertising campaigns should be geared towards your niche market. Do not create generic ads. Ask yourself what kind of customers you want to attract, and make sure your ads speak to them on a personal level. TV advertising is no different.
  2. What are your target audience’s viewing habits? What are the media habits of modern consumers? Do some research about your target market to understand who they are and determine what and how they watch.
  3. What industry are you in? Sometimes, TV might not be the right choice for your business. A manufacturer selling to other businesses (B2B) will have a smaller target audience to that of a company selling home insurance (B2C).
  4. What is your competitive advantage? The purpose of good advertising is to accentuate the pros of your company. Some clever ads often fail to sell the specific benefits of the featured product or service. Unless you highlight these benefits, your ad delivers no value to potential customers.
  5. What is your budget? There are ways to save money, but advertising is typically not the place to cut corners. Doing so will affect sales, and that affects the bottom line. Successful advertising may cost some money, but that is because it works.

Some useful links:

What is audience measurement?

What does B2B and B2C mean?

To learn more about how Evolution Marketing have helped customers promote their business through TV advertising, click here

To learn more about other services offered by Evolution Marketing click here.

Or to view some of our TV ads – check them out here in our portfolio